Author Archives: Site Administrator

Preparing Children for Inheritances in the Future
Almost three quarters of the wealthiest people in the world—those whose net worth is higher than $30 million—are self-made, according to a Wealth-X report. Look closer into the world’s wealthiest, and only about a quarter have a combination of inherited and self-made money, while only 8.5% inherited their wealth. Transferring wealth and having it… Read More »

Estate Planning Is a Gift and a Legacy for Loved Ones
Without an end of life plan, a doctor you’ve never even met might decide how you spend your last moments, and your loved ones may live with the burden of not knowing what you would have wished. These are just a few reasons why “End-Of-Life Planning is a ‘Lifetime Gift’ To Your Loved Ones,… Read More »

How Do I Include Care for My Children in Estate Planning?
To make certain that parents’ wishes are followed, they should create a will that designates a guardian and a conservator in case both parents die, counsels The Choteau (MT) Acantha article entitled “Plan for children’s future when making out a will.” A guardianship provides for the care of the children, until they reach adulthood… Read More »

There Is a Difference between Probate and Trust Administration
Many people get these two things confused. A recent article, “Appreciating the differences between probate and trust administration, ” from Lake County News clarifies the distinctions. Let’s start with probate, which is a court-supervised process. To begin the probate process, a legal notice must be published in a newspaper and court appearances are needed…. Read More »

Should I Create an LLC for Estate Planning?
If you want to transfer assets to your children, grandchildren or other family members but are worried about the weight of estate taxes your beneficiaries will owe upon your death, a LLC can help you control and protect assets during your lifetime, keep assets in the family and lessen taxes owed by you or… Read More »

How Does Social Security Benefits Work in My Estate Planning?
A financial power of attorney (POA) is a critical element of an estate plan. This document makes certain that a person you named takes care of your finances, when you are unable. Part of managing your finances is coordinating your Social Security benefits—whether you already are getting them or will apply for them down… Read More »

How Is the Inheritance Tax on My Estate Paid?
If your state has an inheritance tax, you should have an idea how it will be paid when you pass away. Financial institutions may not withhold the tax before the inheritances are paid, and if there won’t be enough in the residue of your estate to pay the tax, you need some options.’s… Read More »

Help Wanted – Legal Administrative Assistant
We are looking for a bright, motivated and driven legal assistant to provide secretarial, clerical, and administrative support to a busy estate planning/elder law attorney and paralegal. To apply or learn about the Firm and the position, view our job posting on Indeed.

How Else Can Nursing Homes Be Impacted by COVID-19?
Lack of funding is a big issue for nursing homes. “You layer COVID on top of that and… it’s a crisis on top of a crisis, ” David Grabowski, a professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School, told Yahoo Finance. “And that you started with a lot of nursing homes that didn’t… Read More »

What Can I Do to Combat Dementia?
If you’re just trying to keep your mind sharp, or you’re attempting to ward off dementia, there are some things you can do to help your brain stay healthy, says the Orange County Register’s recent article entitled “Here are 3 surprising things you can do to fight dementia.” Here are some things to keep… Read More »