Category Archives: Alternate Agent(s)

The Hardest Question: Who Draws the Line?
In this Covid-19 epidemic, a wrenching question especially demands an answer: if you or someone you love is taken down into life-threatening illness, how far would you want extreme life-prolonging measures to be tried? For us who are particularly vulnerable – seniors, those with compromised immune systems, those already struggling with medical conditions –… Read More »

What Does ‘Getting Your Affairs in Order’ Really Mean?
That “something” that happens that no one wants to come out and say is that you are either incapacitated by a serious illness or injury or the ultimate ‘something, ’ which is death. There are steps you can take that will help your family and loved ones, so they have the information they need… Read More »

Which Type of Power of Attorney Do I Need?
A power of attorney is a document that grants a person the legal authority to make decisions about certain aspects of another person’s life. It gives a trusted person of your choosing the right to act as your agent in either highly specific or general decisions, depending on the type of power of attorney…. Read More »

How Do I Create a Medical Power of Attorney?
A medical power of attorney is a legal document (also called a healthcare power of attorney or durable power of attorney for healthcare) that names an agent to make medical decisions on your behalf, explains Yahoo Finance’s recent article, “How to Set Up Medical Power of Attorney.” A medical power of attorney gives a… Read More »

What If Your Executor Doesn’t Want to Serve?
When you’ve finally come to determine who you trust enough to serve as your executor, you’ll need to take the next step. It involves having a conversation with the person about what you are asking them to do. You’ll need to ask if they are willing, says the Pocono Record in the article “Don’t… Read More »

How Can a Power of Attorney Mistake Leave You Penniless?
Just before Dorothy Jorgensen’s husband died of cancer, he altered his power of attorney and designated one of his relatives. That relative withdrew everything but a few bucks, reports in the article “Son questions power of attorney after mother’s bank account is drained.” “When I went to pick up a prescription for my… Read More »

Healthcare Proxy: Who Should You Choose?
So many people put off naming a healthcare proxy, says Forbes in the article “How to Select A Healthcare Proxy, ” often only addressing this, when they are completing other documents for their overall estate plan. What usually happens is that people get so stressed out about naming a healthcare proxy that they put… Read More »

What is an Advance Directive and Do I Need One?
These are difficult questions to think about. However, they are very important, as every estate planning attorney knows. Should you ever become unable to speak for yourself, reports the Enid News & Eagle in the article “Veteran Connection: What you should know about advance directives, ” there is a way to make a plan,… Read More »

What are the “Must Have” Estate Planning Documents?
What do Aretha Franklin, Kurt Cobain, and Prince have in common? Aside from being famous and talented, each of these stars passed away without a will. All three had the money and attorneys to draft a proper estate plan, but for whatever reason, they didn’t draft one. It’s a good lesson to not neglect… Read More »

Just What are the Responsibilities of a Financial POA?
The concept of a power of attorney sounds simple but there is a lot to know about this important part of an estate plan, says the Rushville Republican in “Financial power of attorney responsibilities.” Whether you are named as someone’s power of attorney or you are considering who to name on your behalf, it… Read More »