Category Archives: Personal Property Memorandum

Estate Battles Over Personal Property Distribution
Creating and probating a last will and testament is rarely a simple task, but one of the most challenging aspects is the distribution of personal property, warns the article “Be clear about personal property distribution in your will” from The News-Enterprise. The nature of personal property—that it is relatively low in market value but… Read More »

How Do the Children Divide Up Mom’s Tangible Property?
What should you do if you’ve been given the task to be in charge of divvying up a parent’s estate that includes assorted tangible items? Minneapolis Tribune’s article entitled “A clever way to divvy up items after a parent’s death” says that some families do it, by taking turns selecting which items each will… Read More »

Use a Personal Property Memorandum in Conjunction with Your Will or Trust
Family members often end up arguing over mom or dad’s favorite items when that parent dies. Arguments can take place over things like a coffee mug, a piece of jewelry or a painting. These types of arguments can be eliminated by filling out a personal property memorandum and keeping it with your will or… Read More »