Category Archives: Senior(s)

Ten Organizations that Provide Resources for Seniors Who Live Independently
America’s aging population is becoming comprised heavily of tech-savvy baby boomers. By 2030 all boomers will have hit 65 years of age, accounting for 18 percent of the US population. This demographic is driving significant and lasting challenges as 10, 000 baby boomers turn 65 every day. Aging in place is a significant trend… Read More »

Affordable Long-term Care in the US is an Urgent Priority
The challenges ahead are many as AARP reports that the population age 85 plus, the most likely to need long-term care, will more than triple between 2015 and 2050. Elected leaders must rethink institutional care and its affordability and make improvements while creating innovative long-term care options for those Americans who are aging in… Read More »

Senior Taxes, Money, and Retirement in a Biden Administration
The advent of a Biden Administration could bring significant changes to the current landscape for older Americans. Biden has outlined what he would like to accomplish for older Americans, and this post is intended to summarize some of those plans. Social Security benefits may become secure again. The Trump proposed payroll tax cut and… Read More »

Know Your Parents’ Aging Strategies Before a Medical Crisis Hits
Many adult children in the US live far away from their parents. Managing aging parents or in-law medical events can be a serious challenge without proper preparation and understanding of what your parents’ strategy may or may not be, no matter where you live. Do you know what legal documentation your parents have in… Read More »

What’s the Difference Between Nursing Homes and Assisted Living?
US News & World Report’s recent article entitled “Nursing Homes vs. Assisted Living” explains that a big question is determining what type of facility is the best fit. According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), long-term care residences include: Assisted Living Facilities Nursing Homes Board and Care Homes; and Continuing Care Retirement Communities…. Read More »

Caring for a Loved One from a Distance
Trying to coordinate care from a distance becomes a challenge for many, especially since as many as 80% of caregivers are working. Add COVID-19 into the mix, and the situation becomes even more difficult, reports the article “When your parent is far away and you are trying to care for them” from the Pittsburgh… Read More »

Senior Home-Sharing a Growing Trend During COVID-19
Senior home-sharing is not a new idea, but it is experiencing a resurgence in popularity among American seniors during the coronavirus pandemic. The danger of COVID-19 infection in nursing homes and other long-term care living facilities, coupled with the isolation seniors have been facing, makes the idea of two, three, or more people 55… Read More »

Ten Tips to Help Seniors Reduce the Risk of Falling
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports one out of five senior falls causes a serious injury like a broken bone or head trauma. Injuries of this sort can make life difficult for an older person to do everyday activities or live on their own. Half of the time, when a senior falls,… Read More »

When Do We Need an Elder Law Attorney?
Kiplinger’s article “When Elder Care Requires Legal Advice” explains that this is when a lot of panicked calls are made to elder law attorneys. These attorneys specialize in planning for the legal complications that can arise in old age. However, seldom do people think to consult one preemptively to avoid making that panicked phone… Read More »
Finding a Continuing Care Retirement Community
Continuing care retirement communities (CCRC) are gaining in popularity across the United States. Sometimes referred to as life plan communities, the goal is to provide a long-term care option for older residents. These residents prefer to live in the same community, though in different phase locations, during their aging process. In essence, it is… Read More »